Thursday, 1 February 2024

 TestNG Questions and Answers (Part-1):

1. What is the importance of the TestNG framework?
- TestNG is important for test automation because it provides a powerful framework for writing and running test cases.
- It allows you to define test suites, run tests in parallel, and provide detailed reporting.

2. Why do we use TestNG in your framework?
- TestNG is used for its flexibility and features like test grouping, parallel test execution, and comprehensive reporting.

3. What is the purpose of testing XML?
- TestNG XML files are used to configure and organize test suites, set parameters, and define test dependencies.

4. Explain the purpose of listeners, and is it a Selenium concept or a TestNG concept?
- Listeners are part of TestNG, not Selenium. 
- They allow you to customize test execution and capture events such as test success or failure. 
- Listeners are used for tasks like logging, reporting, and taking screenshots.

5. Case Scenario: How to run the same method 100 times in TestNG with the same data?
- You can use the @DataProvider and invocationCount attributes to run the same test method with the same data multiple times.

6. What is the reporting tool in your framework, and why do you use it?
- Reporting tools like ExtentReports or Allure are often used in conjunction with TestNG to generate detailed and user-friendly test reports. 
- These tools make it easier to understand test results.

7. What are different TestNG annotations?
Common TestNG annotations include 
- @Test, 
- @BeforeMethod, 
- @AfterMethod, 
- @BeforeTest, 
- @AfterTest, 
- @BeforeClass, 
- @AfterClass, 
- @BeforeSuite, 
- @AfterSuite. 
Each serves a specific purpose in test execution.

8. How can you configure tests in TestNG?
- Tests are configured in TestNG XML files where you define suites, tests, classes, methods, parameters, and data providers.

9. What is @DataProvider?
- @DataProvider is a TestNG annotation used to provide data to test methods. 
- It allows you to separate test data from test logic.

10. Difference between @Factory and @DataProvider.
- @Factory is used to run multiple test classes, 
- @DataProvider is used to supply data to a test method. 
- They serve different purposes.
- @Factory is used to run the same test class multiple times with different data sets. 
For example, if you have a test class MyTest and you want to run it with different data sets, you can create a factory 
method to instantiate it multiple times with different data.

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