Monday, 10 November 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Admit card of SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) examination 2014
Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download SSC CHSL Examination 2014
The last date of applying SSC LDC DEO notice has ended. Now download the admit card/hall ticket which allow you to appear in SSC CHSL 2014 various exam exam center.
knowledge sakar to tell candidates how to check application status of SSC CHSL and hall ticket for 991 post of LDC (Lower division Clerk) and 1006 post of DEO (Data Entry Operators). Here below the steps to download admit card for SSC CHSL admit card for LDC DEO examination 2014.
Finally the wait has over applicant can get their SSC CHSL 2014 admit card for LDC DEO examination region wise, Applicant are to visit following region wise official website of ssc and enter your registration ID ad date of birth.
The date of examination will be on 02 November and 09 November 2014.
How to check LDC DEO application status (SSC CHSL 2014)
Enter you Registration-Id : 25485678
Date of Birth :24-11-1993
then click on submit
Date of examination for SSC CHSL 2014 for LDC DEO
Exam will be held between 02 November and 09 November 2014.
Below you can see the old notification….
SSC LDC DEO Recruitment 2014: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has given its employment notification for the July month. SSC 1006 vacancies of Data Entry Operators and 991 vacancies of Lower division Clerk. SSC LDC (Lower division Clerk) and DEO (Data Entry Operators) issue always every year conduct the exam of 1997 Vacancies in various department in India. This is great chance for who looking 10+2 Sarkari Naukri and job after 12th pass in SSC. They all can apply before or on 19.08.2014.
All applicants can apply though online applications for the SSC Lower division Clerk and Data Entry Operators post 2014 at the official of SSC Get complete notice regarding the latest SSC LDC DEO recruitment i.e. age limit, qualification, selection procedure, pay scale (pay band), how to apply online for the LDC and DEO post, Syllabus & exam pattern for ldc deo written test, examination date, application fees.
SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) examination notification (July 2014)
Organization Name: Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Jobs Type: Sarkari Naukri
Post Name: Data Entry Operators and Lower division Clerk (SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level)
No of Vacancy: 1997 posts (LDC DEO of SSC CHSL Test)
click here to downlode Admit card of SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) examination 2014
The last date of applying SSC LDC DEO notice has ended. Now download the admit card/hall ticket which allow you to appear in SSC CHSL 2014 various exam exam center.
knowledge sakar to tell candidates how to check application status of SSC CHSL and hall ticket for 991 post of LDC (Lower division Clerk) and 1006 post of DEO (Data Entry Operators). Here below the steps to download admit card for SSC CHSL admit card for LDC DEO examination 2014.
Finally the wait has over applicant can get their SSC CHSL 2014 admit card for LDC DEO examination region wise, Applicant are to visit following region wise official website of ssc and enter your registration ID ad date of birth.
The date of examination will be on 02 November and 09 November 2014.
How to check LDC DEO application status (SSC CHSL 2014)
Enter you Registration-Id : 25485678
Date of Birth :24-11-1993
then click on submit
Date of examination for SSC CHSL 2014 for LDC DEO
Exam will be held between 02 November and 09 November 2014.
Below you can see the old notification….
SSC LDC DEO Recruitment 2014: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has given its employment notification for the July month. SSC 1006 vacancies of Data Entry Operators and 991 vacancies of Lower division Clerk. SSC LDC (Lower division Clerk) and DEO (Data Entry Operators) issue always every year conduct the exam of 1997 Vacancies in various department in India. This is great chance for who looking 10+2 Sarkari Naukri and job after 12th pass in SSC. They all can apply before or on 19.08.2014.
All applicants can apply though online applications for the SSC Lower division Clerk and Data Entry Operators post 2014 at the official of SSC Get complete notice regarding the latest SSC LDC DEO recruitment i.e. age limit, qualification, selection procedure, pay scale (pay band), how to apply online for the LDC and DEO post, Syllabus & exam pattern for ldc deo written test, examination date, application fees.
SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) examination notification (July 2014)
Organization Name: Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Jobs Type: Sarkari Naukri
Post Name: Data Entry Operators and Lower division Clerk (SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level)
No of Vacancy: 1997 posts (LDC DEO of SSC CHSL Test)
click here to downlode Admit card of SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) examination 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
My Story
"It was a Saturday afternoon when me, my cousin brother and sister-in-law took an auto from city market to rotighar,gandhibazar. While we were going in the auto, me and my cousin were discussing about an institute that offers engineering degree in two years. I asked my cousin the institute name but he was not really sure about the abbreviation.
He said its called some AIME or something. But the auto driver told the institute was called AMIE. Later he gave us the complete information about the institute, courses offered, number of subjects that were offered in one year etc. I was shocked by the way he told us about the institute. Later he asked about my academics. I told him that I completed my engineering from BMS College of Engineering.
Then he asked me my specialization in particular. I told it was Industrial engineering and Management. Since many people will not be aware about my branch name, it is a routine for me to tell that my branch is related to Mechanical Engineering just that our course includes some MBA subjects as well. I wanted to tell the same to the auto driver.
Before I could complete, he asked me, "Oh IEM ah?". I was stunned. Who would expect an auto-driver to know all this. My mouth could not stop asking questions. I asked him " How do you know all these things?"
He told me that even he was a Mechanical Engineer who did his Diploma in Mechanical engineering, later finished his B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from JSS college of Engineering( one of the very good engineering colleges in Karnataka)two years back.
Thats it. I don't even have words to describe my reaction when he told me this. I was completely shocked!! I asked how come he is doing this job instead of finding other jobs "meant" for engineers.
He told me, " Madam, there are so many people like me in this field. Destiny has made us to settle for this. And we are doing it. Even now, my professor keeps calling and tells me to do MTech. I feel that engineering what I have done is only useless. Why waste another 2 lakhs?"
I told him, "You can pursue Mtech. Then take up a lecturer job".
He told me, " Who pays for my Mtech? And even if I do Mtech I would get 25,000 as my initial salary. I'm getting the same now and I am ok with it. It is a waste if I am doing Mtech".
I could not answer his question. Yes I could make out that he had family commitments that is why he ended up taking up an auto-driver job. Also, I could see the frustration on his face for not getting a job with the qualification he had. I don't think he would have settled for this job without even trying for mechanical engineering jobs. Probably 10-15 years back nobody would have imagined an engineer becoming an auto-driver. Its not the destiny, but the existing job-market has made many engineers to settle for under-employment.
I guess he is a true logical indian who has accepted the fact and moved on in his life.
Story ended by me giving him a free advice to start doing something related to his academics.He nodded with a smile, probably which meant it could never happen!
Making a graduate "employable" is more important than just making a graduate. I hope, at least we may not have to see PGs like this in future."
Sunday, 12 October 2014
कुछ पाने की तमन्ना
एक बार किसी रेलवे प्लैटफॉर्म पर जब
गाड़ी रुकी तो एक
लड़का पानी बेचता हुआ निकला। ट्रेन में बैठे एक
सेठ ने उसे आवाज दी, ऐ लड़के, इधर आ।
लड़का दौड़कर आया।
उसने पानी का गिलास भरकर सेठ
की ओर बढ़ाया तो सेठ ने पूछा,
कितने पैसे में? लड़के ने कहा, पच्चीस
पैसे। सेठ ने उससे कहा कि पंदह पैसे में
देगा क्या?
यह सुनकर लड़का हल्की मुस्कान
दबाए पानी वापस घड़े में उड़ेलता हुआ
आगे बढ़ गया।
उसी डिब्बे में एक महात्मा बैठे थे,
जिन्होंने यह नजारा देखा था कि लड़का मुस्कराय मौन रहा।
जरूर कोई रहस्य उसके मन में होगा।
महात्मा नीचे उतरकर उस लड़के के
पीछे- पीछे गए।
बोले : ऐ लड़के, ठहर जरा, यह तो बता तू हंसा क्यों?
वह लड़का बोला, महाराज, मुझे
हंसी इसलिए आई कि सेठजी को प्यास
तो लगी ही नहीं थी।
वे तो केवल
पानी के गिलास का रेट पूछ रहे थे। महात्मा ने पूछा,
लड़के, तुझे ऐसा क्यों लगा कि सेठजी को प्यास
लगी ही नहीं थी।
लड़के ने जवाब दिया, महाराज, जिसे
वाकई प्यास लगी हो वह कभी रेट
नहीं पूछता। वह तो गिलास लेकर पहले
पानी पीता है।
फिर बाद में पूछेगा कि कितने पैसे देने हैं? पहले
कीमत पूछने का अर्थ हुआ कि प्यास
लगी ही नहीं है।
वास्तव में जिन्हें ईश्वर और जीवन में
कुछ पाने की तमन्ना होती है, वे वाद-
विवाद में नहीं पड़ते। पर जिनकी प्यास
सच्ची नहीं होती, वे
ही वाद-विवाद में पड़े रहते हैं। वे साधना के पथ
पर आगे नहीं बढ़ते.
अगर खुदा नहीं हे तो उसका ज़िक्र क्यो??
और अगर खुदा हे तो फिर फिक्र क्यों ???
" मंज़िलों से गुमराह भी ,कर देते हैं कुछ लोग ।।
किसी से ,रास्ता पूछना ,अच्छा नहीं होता
अगर कोई पूछे जिंदगी में क्या खोया और क्या पाया ...
तो बेशक कहना...
खुबसूरत रिश्ता है मेरा और भगवान के बीच में,
ज्यादा मैं मांगता नहीं और कम वो देता नहi
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
समझदार व्यक्ति को हमेशा मालूम रहते हैं इन 6 प्रश्नों के उत्तर
आज के समय में अधिकांश लोगों को धन संबंधी सुख पाने के लिए अतिरिक्त श्रम करना पड़ता है। फिर भी बहुत ही कम लोग अधिक श्रम के बाद भी पर्याप्त प्रतिफल प्राप्त कर पाते हैं। व्यक्ति को कुछ कामों में तो सफलता मिल जाती है, लेकिन कुछ कामों में असफलता का मुंह भी देखना पड़ता है। यदि आप सफलता का प्रतिशत बढ़ाना चाहते हैं तो यहां एक चाणक्य नीति बताई जा रही है। इस नीति का ध्यान रखेंगे तो आपको अधिकतर कार्यों में सफलता मिल सकती है। हम जब ज्यादा कामों में सफल होंगे तो धन संबंधी लाभ भी मिलेगा और इस प्रकार धन संचय होने लगेगा।
चाणक्य कहते हैं कि-
क: काल: कानि मित्राणि को देश: कौ व्ययागमौ।
कस्याऽडं का च मे शक्तिरिति चिन्त्यं मुहुर्मुंहु:।।
यह चाणक्य नीति के चतुर्थ अध्याय का 18वां श्लोक है। इस श्लोक में
चाणक्य ने बताया है कि हमें कार्यों में सफलता पाने के लिए किन 6 बातों को
हमेशा सोचते रहना चाहिए। इन बातों का ध्यान रखकर काम करेंगे तो असफलता
मिलने की संभावनाएं काफी कम हो जाती हैं।
पहली बात: यह समय कैसा है
आचार्य चाणक्य कहते हैं कि वही व्यक्ति समझदार और सफल है, जिसे इस
प्रश्न का उत्तर हमेशा मालूम रहता है। समझदार व्यक्ति जानता है कि वर्तमान
समय कैसा चल रहा है। अभी सुख के दिन हैं या दुख के। इसी के आधार पर वह
कार्य करता हैं। यदि सुख के दिन हैं तो अच्छे कार्य करते रहना चाहिए और यदि
दुख के दिन हैं तो अच्छे कामों के साथ धैर्य बनाए रखना चाहिए। दुख के
दिनों में धैर्य खोने पर अनर्थ हो सकता है।
दूसरी बात: हमारे मित्र कौन-कौन हैं
हमें यह मालूम होना चाहिए कि हमारे सच्चे मित्र कौन-कौन हैं और
मित्रों के वेश में शत्रु कौन-कौन हैं। शत्रुओं को तो हम जानते हैं और उनसे
बचते हुए ही कार्य करते हैं, लेकिन मित्रों के वेश में छिपे शत्रु का
पहचाना बहुत जरूरी है। यदि मित्रों में छिपे शत्रु को नहीं पहचान पाएंगे तो
कार्यों में असफलता ही मिलेगी। ऐसे लोगों से भी बचना चाहिए। साथ ही, इस
बात का भी ध्यान रखें कि सच्चे मित्र कौन हैं, क्योंकि सच्चे मित्रों की
मदद लेने पर ही सफलता मिल सकती है। यदि गलती से मित्र बने हुए शत्रु से मदद
मांग ली तो पूरी मेहनत पर पानी फिर सकता है।
तीसरी बात: यह देश कैसा है
यह देश कैसा है यानी जहां हम काम करते हैं, वह स्थान, शहर और वहां के
हालात कैसे हैं। कार्यस्थल पर काम करने वाले लोग कैसे हैं। इन बातों का
ध्यान रखते हुए काम करेंगे तो असफल होने की संभावनाएं बहुत कम हो जाएंगी।
चौथी बात: हमारी आय और व्यय की सही जानकारी
समझदार इंसान वही है तो अपनी आय और व्यय की सही जानकारी रखता है।
व्यक्ति को अपनी आय देखकर ही व्यय करना चाहिए। जो लोग आय से अधिक खर्च करते
हैं, वे परेशानियों में अवश्य फंसते हैं। अत: धन संबंधी सुख पाने के लिए
कभी आय से अधिक व्यय नहीं करना चाहिए। आय से कम खर्च करेंगे तो थोड़ा-थोड़ा
ही सही पर धन संचय हो सकता है।
पांचवीं बात: मैं किसके अधीन हूं
अंतिम बात: मुझमें कितनी शक्ति है
अंतिम बात सबसे जरूरी है, हमें यह मालूम होना चाहिए कि हम क्या-क्या
कर सकते हैं। वही काम हाथ में लेना चाहिए, जिसे पूरा करने का सामर्थ्य
हमारे पास है। यदि शक्ति से अधिक काम हम हाथ में ले लेंगे तो असफल होना तय
है। ऐसी परिस्थिति में कार्य स्थल और समाज में हमारी छबि पर बुरा असर होगा।
Sunday, 5 October 2014
स्टीव जॉब्स की जिंदगी से हम सीख सकते हैं ये 5 बातें
एप्पल के सहसंस्थापक स्टीव जॉब्स की कल चौथी पुण्यतिथि थी । जॉब्स का निधन 5 अक्टूबर 2011 को हुआ था। अपनी इनोवेशन और दूरदर्शिता को लेकर जॉब्स हमेशा से प्रसिद्ध रहे हैं।
स्टीव जॉब्स ना सिर्फ एक अच्छे लीडर थे बल्कि एक अच्छे इंसान भी थे। जमीन से उठकर आसमान तक पहुंचने वालों की लिस्ट में स्टीव जॉब्स का नाम है। आज उनकी पुण्यतिथी पर हम आपको बताने जा रहे हैं कुछ ऐसी बातों के बारे में जो स्टीव जॉब्स की जिंदगी से सीखी जा सकती हैं।
1. अपने लिए अच्छे शिक्षक तलाशिए-
स्टीव जॉब्स ना सिर्फ जीनियस थे बल्कि वो हमेशा उन लोगों की तलाश में रहते थे जिनसे वो कुछ ना कुछ सीख सकें। जॉब्स के कुछ पहले टीचर्स में से एक रेजिस मैक्कैना (Regis McKenna) थे जो सिलिकॉन वैली में एक मार्केटर थे। रेजिस ही वो इंसान हैं जिन्होंने गैराज में चल रही एप्पल कंपनी के लिए पहले इन्वेस्टर का इंतजाम किया था। ये इन्वेस्टर थे माइक मार्कुला जो एप्पल के मार्केटिंग गुरू बने। स्टीव जॉब्स का सिद्धांत था कि जिस्से जो सीख सको सीख लो।
कोई कमी ना रह जाए-
स्टीव जॉब्स जानते थे की प्रोडक्ट की खूबियों के साथ पैकेजिंग भी बहुत जरूरी है। वे जानते थे कि लोग किसी भी उत्पाद या कंपनी को लेकर अपनी राय उस प्रोडक्ट या कंपनी की प्रस्तुति या पैकेजिंग के आधार पर बनाते हैं। जॉब्स कहते थे कि माइक ने मुझे सिखा दिया था कि लोग किसी पुस्तक को उसके कवर से ही सही या गलत समझने लगते हैं। जब वे मेकिनटोश की 1984 में शिपिंग करा रहे थे तो वे उसके बॉक्स के कलर और डिजाइन पर मोहित हो गए थे। इस बात से हम ये सीख सकते हैं कि किसी भी काम में कोई कमी नहीं छोड़नी चाहिए। चाहें वो शुरुआत में हो या अंत में।
हार से कभी ना डरें-
स्टीव जॉब्स ने अपनी जिंदगी में जितनी सफलता देखी उतनी ही हार भी। 30 साल की उम्र में जॉब्स को उन्हीं की बनाई गई कंपनी से निकाल दिया गया था। एप्पल कंपनी ने भी अपनी सबसे ज्यादा असफलता स्टीव जॉब्स के कार्यकाल में ही देखी। मौत से 8 साल पहले ही उन्हें कैंसर का पता चला था। स्टीव जॉब्स ने इसे भी दिलेरी से स्वीकार किया और अपने जीवन को भरपूर जिया। इस बात से हम सीख सकते हैं कि जिंदगी में चाहें कुछ भी हो जाए हार नहीं माननी चाहिए।
अपने निर्णय पर रहें अडिग-
जॉब्स ने 1984 में मैकिनटोश कम्प्यूटर के लिए एक एडवर्टिजमेंट बनवाया था। वो शो बिजनेस के इतने दीवाने थे कि उन्होंने इस एडवर्टिजमेंट को बनाने के लिए एलियन और ब्लेड रनर फिल्म के डायरेक्टर रैड्ली स्कॉट को चुना था। इस 60 सेकंड के कमर्शियल को बनवाने में जॉब्स ने $900,000 (55395000 रुपए) खर्च कर दिए थे। इसके बाद उस ऐड को सुपर बॉल गेम के दौरान चलाने के लिए $800,000 (49240000 रुपए और खर्च किए थे)। इस ऐड को बोर्ड ने पसंद नहीं किया था फिर भी ये ऐड चला और जॉब्स ने अपनी जिद पूरी की। इससे हम ये बात सीख सकते हैं कि चाहें जो भी निर्णय लिया गया हो उसपर हमेशा चलें और पीछे ना हटें।
हमेशा एक दुश्मन की तलाश-
स्टीव जॉब्स ने हमेशा अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वियों को अपना दुश्मन माना है। एप्पल के लिए IBM, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट के बाद एंड्रॉइड ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम बनाने वाला गूगल भी एक बड़ा प्रतिद्वंद्वी था। स्टीव जॉब्स हमेशा अपने लिए नया दुश्मन तलाशते थे। उनका मानना था कि दुश्मन बनाना खतरनाक तो हो सकता है, लेकिन ये ग्रोथ के लिए बहुत जरूरी है।
10 important lessons by Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi Ji
1.Humanity and faith
Gandhi said: "Have faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the whole ocean does not become dirty". His faith in the basic 'goodness' of people remained undeterred throughout his life, which remained largely in the midst of followers and opponents.
2.Be the change
While Gandhi turned an unlikely leader of something as massive as a freedom movement, it didn't happen overnight. The man he turned out to be, was a result of constant introspection and clarity that emerged from the process. He remained open to both sides of any argument and faced everything with a smile. No matter what the challenge was, his goal of 'Indian independence' remained clear. Like he said: "Be the change you want to see in the world." And what a change he was!
3.Preserving the self
Gandhi firmly believed he was in control of his emotions. Even during most disturbing occasions when an argument went awry with his supporters, or his friends, he would quietly retreat and revisit the discussion after having thought through. His friends vouched for this quality of his. He ensured the goal was in sight. And that ego wouldn't rule the roost. He often said: "no one can hurt me without my permission".
He had imbibed the best of Indian philosophy. Non-violence was his strongest weapon, and so was forgiveness. He told the world often that forgiving was the quality of the strong, and not the weak. He didn't approve of those who wanted to avenge any injustice or crime. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" he said and liberated his fellow men from anger.
5.Practice what you preach
Advice is more easily available land or air today. Even a stranger is capable of telling a fellow passenger how to lead a life that the former may have never known. But, Gandhi firmly believed actions speak louder than words. He remained in control of both his actions and words. "An ounce of practice is worth a thousand words" is what he lived by.
6.Now is all that you have
An English adage says 'cross the bridge when it comes'. Gandhi lived by the essence of 'today' and not what fate would befall on him tomorrow. With the goal clearly before him, he would often look at what could be done now, than later. "God has given me no control over the following moment. I am concerned about taking care of the present" was his opinion.
7.Never say Never
He was well aware of the possibilities and limitations of human beings. He was magnanimous about all the people who came to him confessing their errors. He said once "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err."
8.Stay on; don't give up
Challenges often encouraged him to go that extra mile, put in that extra effort and reach further clarity on how things were to be executed for the goal to be reached. Self-doubt often made him stronger and he came back renewed, rejuvenated and with bigger dreams than before for the country. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" he would say when asked if the challenges didn't bog him down.
9.Keep away the evil
Look for best qualities in people and grow with every person you meet. Taking stock of someone's lacunae will only make you poorer. Gandhi was aware that he wasn't faultless himself. "I will not probe into the faults of others. I only look for goodness in them" he reiterated often.
10.Coherence in thought and action
Happiness is where there is no conflict within self about what is preached and followed. There are no different rules for self and the world. Happiness is when your thoughts, actions and words align - this was something that he firmly believed in all his life.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
A message to P.M from ENGINEERS
Sir we have done 22 years of hard work
commitments and with hope..our parents have
invested lakhs of rupees for our education..But
sir what is the use of it..Even after hard work
for such a long time we are unemployed..My
college dint even call up for a single company in
campus drive.
My seniors asked me to create account in
naukri.. But no use.. I only get updates for
b.p.o and tech supports..sir s.s.l.c is more than
enough to work in a b.p.o
Seniors then asked me to go in search of a job
myself..I did.. BUT companies today don't need
fresher's they only need experience candidate..
Companies are hiring fresher's only if they have
good reference..But I don't have reference or
influence :-I failed...
Then some people asked me to approach some
industries and to hand over my resumes to
hand it over to watch man's.. I even did that..
But watch man answers me that our company
has vacancies only for I.t.I and diplomas,we
don't need engineers..I failed....
Then some people suggested me to join some
consultancy..I even did that..consultancy
showed me a ray of hope. They arranged me for
a interview.. I went there..first question asked
by h.r was :- what wil u do from morning til
evening. I answered that I SEARCH jobs..he
laughed at me and suggested to join some
courses.. Okie..I even did that by investing
some more money to complete my dreams.
Then consultancy arranged me for one more
interview I went was a small scale
industry.. I got selected in 3 rounds of
interview. .H.R offered me 8000 to 10000
rupees per month with a two years bond in a
metropolitan city where I at least need 10000
rupees to fulfill my basic needs has a
bachelor..Respected sir would u accept this
type of a job..I guess NO..
My friend who has secured very less marks
than me us working in a M.N.C wil a package
of 25000 because he had influence..
Sir we have invested lakhs and have done hard
work not to earn 8000.
we avoid attending family programmes not
because we have EGO but its because we don't
have job.. First question asked by relatives is
WHAT R U DOING NW..sir I feel ashamed to
answer this question..
Whenever I call my parents the first question
they asked me is DID U GET A JOB.I again feel
ashamed. .
I have to ask money from my dad atleast for
food and shelter.. This is the most worst
moment.. I feel ashamed.. One small request sir
if India don't have potential to give employment
stop giving license to new colleges..10 new
engineering college are been permitted every
year in my state.. Is that important.. Around 2
lakh students are joining for engineering every
year only in my state.. Y is that sir..I have lost
all my faith because I have gone through very
bad times and failures..
not only my story ..but every engineer who
don't have money and influence.. WE BADLY
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
story of courage.
What an incredible, inspiring true story of a soldier! Read on, as a brave soldier pays a fitting tribute to another.
Soldier of Fortune (The untold Story)
This is a story of courage.
A true story of incredible courage of a soldier, whom I've had the privilege of knowing. Someone, who would just not take "NO" for an answer, despite the challenges life threw at him. A story that needs to be told.
There is inevitably a strange, almost labored disconnect between the urgent, distinctive ‘pop’ of the speeding bullet as it whizzes past you and the apparently languid, disarmingly slow movement of those around you. A sardonic, yet glowing affirmation of the theory of relativity, if you will. Those who have been inactive combat and had the privilege of being fired at, would know. Deependra Singh Sengar did. More than once!
It was the day after Valentine’s Day, 1998. Sengar had just been received at the Guwahati airport by the unit’s escort team. At 5’6” and 52 kgs in weight, you could easily mistake him for the a postgraduate student at Guwahati University. Sengar was re-joining the unit in active operations in the North East - after weeks of pleading, screaming & struggling against the orders of Col Ivan Crasto, the Commanding Officer - to man the administrative rear echelon of the unit in a cosy, sleepy town in Himachal Pradesh.
That is who he was – a man of action. And men of action, as you would know, abhor routine admin jobs!
The first message he overheard, 15 minutes in transit, on the secured communication radio link was garbled. 5-6 senior militant leaders in a house, armed with automatics, pin point location, high credibility of info, apparent transit profile, likely to move out soon. The Quick Reaction Team (QRT) from the unit was starting out, but could hit target only in an hour. Sengar quickly realized that with a short detour, he could be at the target in 20 mins. Saving 40 mins could mean the difference between success and failure.
A flurry of messages later, Sengar had convinced the Battalion HQ that he and his escort team were best positioned to initiate contact with the militants before they disappeared. The QRT could follow. Now, escort teams are usually a rag tag team of whoever is available. Fully kitted out, sure – weapons, ammo, secured communication - the works. But still, certainly not the first choice of guys for going into combat with. But that didn’t deter Sengar. He swung in and hit the target in 20 mins, as planned. A short, sharp exchange of fire ensued. 2 reds down, 3 had fled.
It is then that Sengar realized that he had been hit. Two bullets had pierced through his abdomen, making a clean, almost unnoticeable entry in the front and a classic, disproportionate exit wound in his back. What they call in the medical world, rather disparagingly, a ‘clean’ shot.
The rest was a blur. The flurry of the evacuation process. Hand carried, on four wheel drive, by chopper, through the local hospital in the neighborhood, and then to the Base Hospital at Guwahati. The long, unending line of surgeries. Cut, sew & cut again. After about 15 days of chopping and pasting, the docs were confident of partial recovery in a time frame of about 18-24 months.
A miracle, they called it. But then, they hadn’t seen miracles - as yet.
Sengar was no pushover who could be tied down to a hospital bed. He was up and about in 45 days. He read books on his condition and realized that psychological recovery was as important as medical one. He started doing what was in his reach- whether strict army hospital rules allowed or not. Sneaking out of the hospital, hobbling along to the theatres to watch practically every movie worth watching. & some which didn’t fit even that bill. 60 days from that fateful day, a Unit officer was getting married. Sengar, attired in a Lungi & a kurta (he couldn’t wear anything else – the scars hadn’t yet healed), with tubes and bags (If you must know - A colostomy bag & a bag directly attached to urinary bladder) immodestly but practically hanging out of his modest frame, hired a car and travelled 5 hours one way to Dehradun.
“Huh? All this to attend a frikking marriage??", You might ask. Well, Sengar wasn’t the type who’d let anything – certainly not a little thing like 25 grams worth of random molten lead that burnt independent, solitary furrows through his intestines - come in the way of having the pleasure of seeing one of his mates being led, willingly to the gallows!!
Sengar hated hospitals. Much to the deep dismay of a bevy of nurses there. He was back in the unit by early May, 98. The docs, fed up with his constant supplications to be released, grudgingly allowed him to get back to the unit, with the solemn promise that he would not exert himself, and stay confined to the unit HQs (chuckle chuckle).
Too difficult for someone who was called “Rocket” by the junior officers as Sengar was the recipient of the coveted "Dagger" in the Commando course, the one who was known for being one of the most physically fit officers and men.
Around this time, a training exercise was being conducted in the eastern sector and Sengar saw a chance to prove his fitness. He pleaded with Col Crasto to be allowed to get there, to ‘man the telephone’. Crasto finally caved in after Sengar was able to convince the doctors to pronounce him “fit” for active duty. Sengar had amazingly, defying every single precedent of recorded medical recovery in cases similar to his, convinced the docs to upgrade his medical category to SHAPE1.
He pleaded, struggled, nagged, nudged, begged, threatened, and resorted to blatant emotional blackmail of the vilest means known to be posted on the Eastern Sector.
In the middle of the exercise, news broke about the Kargil conflict and the unit was to airlift a team for the Kargil war. Sengar was back to doing what he loved best - back to action, leading a team. He led his team to capture Neelam post in the Kargil war, which was the highest post captured in the whole engagement by the Indian Army. By August 99, officially the Kargil war was over, but escalated engagements along the LOC still required the unit to stay in the area. And Sengar’s team was in the middle of action – again.
In Sep 01, Sengar was hit again.
A violent firefight with a group of freshly inducted militants. A burst of fire from an AK-47 tore through his upper thigh and hip. Bleeding profusely and his hip bone in tatters, we knew if we didn’t evacuate him in time, we’d lose him. A paratrooper in the Divisional HQ, a chopper pilot, who was on a routine training mission learnt of Sengar being hit. Without waiting for authorization, violating every rule in the book, flew in, he landed at a hastily secured patch at the base of the hill feature and evacuated Sengar to the hospital through a route not allowed for Indian aircrafts - Sengar reached hospital in 45 mins! A couple of more mins of delay, and he would have been history.
Back to the ‘cut n sew’ story; only, this time, it was more serious than the first. Sengar survived. Barely. He was transferred to Delhi’s super specialty Army hospital two months later and it was then, that his parents were brought to Delhi and the news broken. All this while he was told that he would recover and be back in action in a short time- It took him another month to finally learn from the docs their verdict – He would never walk again.
This was a body blow (pun unintended) even for Sengar. He decided to quit the Army. He had no interest in peddling files clad in the fabulous olives. Once he had waded through the rivers of emotion, which lasted all of 24 hours, he decided to take charge of his apparently fragile destiny.
Sengar started researching options of an alternate career path. He was 30, single and had the energy of a bull - or three. It didn’t take him long to realise that he needed to tame the beast called ‘CAT’ - the Common Admission Test, to take a shot at passing through the portals of the premier business schools.
As he did a SWOT analysis, he identified that his analytical skills weren’t what they once were. So, he decided to take on the task of conquering Arithmophobia – his paranoia of numbers. He got all the math books and diligently went through class four to class 12 books. Minor hiccups like the fact that he had to be carried from his hospital bed to the car, or the fact that they had to make special provision for him at the classes, so he could recline on an ad hoc chair and take notes didn’t bother him one bit.
Sengar took the CAT in Dec 2000. Based on his results, he got a call from 15 of the 16 B schools he had applied to - IIM (A), IIM (B), IIM (C), IIM (L) …. A veritable who’s who of the B school list. Four days after he hung up his beloved Olive Greens, he got married. Eight days later, he joined the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Two brilliant years of number crunching analysis later, Sengar graduated with distinction - on crutches.
Today, Sengar is a top management professional with Microsoft, in Singapore with a doting wife and two wonderful kids. If you thought that’s the final update on his story, wait, because, there is one final flourish.
After ten long years on crutches, Sengar decided he had had enough. He chucked his crutches into a corner & decided to rough it out. Slowly, and with tremendous perseverance, he started walking. In under a year, he was going for short jogs. In Sep 13, on a trip to India, he decided to revisit his old unit. He got in touch with the Commanding Officer, who invited him to go for a run with the unit in the standard Battle Physical Efficiency Test- with loaded backpack and a weapon. And Sengar did.
The ‘Rocket’ had returned. To a hero’s welcome.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
who are you ..???
You’re an original, an individual, a masterpiece. Celebrate it!
Don't change yourself and don't let your uniqueness make you shy. Don't try to be someone else.. Just be like you.. the way you are.. the way you live...the way you talk...the way you smile..the way you laugh..never think and spoil your mood on what others are saying about you.. let them be..
Everyone has their own dreams, their own struggles, and a different path that makes sense for them.
You just live your life at fullest and try to find happiness in every small thing, action you do in a minute...
humeshaa mast raho..happy raho.. the ultimate way to live in this world..
Keep Smile..
Saturday, 30 August 2014
दूसरों को लिए खुद को न बदलें I
मेढक को अगर पानी से भरे बर्तन में रख कर गर्म करना शुरू किया जाए तो एक रोचक और दिमाग को झकझोर देने वाला मंज़र देखने को मिलेगा I जैसे जैसे पानी का तापमान बढ़ेगा मेढक उस तापमान के हिसाब से अपना शरीर समायोजित करने लगेगा I पानी के क्वथनांक में आ जाने तक ऐसा चलता रहेगा I मेढक अपनी सारी उर्जा पानी के तापमान से अपने शरीर को समायोजित करने में लगा देगा ------
पर जैसे ही पानी अपने क्वथनांक (बोइलिंग पॉइंट) में आयेगा, मेढक अपने शरीर को उसके अनुसार समायोजित नहीं कर सकेगा और वो पानी से बाहर आने की कोशिश करेगा, पर अब ये संभव नहीं है ----
क्यूँ ?
क्यूंकि मेढक ने अपनी छलाँग लगाने की क्षमता के बावजूद उसने सारी ऊर्जा वातावरण के साथ समायोजन स्थापित करने में खर्च कर दी I वो पानी से बाहर नहीं आ पायेगा और मारा जायेगा I
पर मेढक को मारता कौन है ?
उबला हुआ पानी ?????????
नहीं !!
मेढक को मार देती है उसकी असमर्थता या कह लीजिये निर्णय लेने की अक्षमता कि पानी से बाहर आने के लिये कब छलांग लगानी है I इसी तरह हम भी अपने आसपास के वातावरण और लोगो के साथ सामंजस्य बना के चलते रहते हैं और कभी कभी ये सामंजस्य हम पर ही भारी पड जाता है, जब लोग ये समझना शुरू कर देते हैं के हम कुछ भी करे ये तो एडजेस्ट कर ही लेगा और हमारी भी आदत हो ही जाती है I धीरे धीरे हम प्रतिरोध करना भी बंद कर देते हैं, या फिर यूँ कहे की हमारी प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता खतम हो जाती है I
सब के जीवन में कोई न कोई ऐसा होता है, जिसके लिए हम लगातार खुद के साथ सामंजस्य बनाते रहते हैं । स्वभावतः ये हमें अच्छा नहीं लगता पर कोई न कोई मजबूरी हमें ऐसा करते रहने के लिए प्रेरित करती रहती है और हम अपनी सारी उर्जा इसी में खर्च करते रहते हैं पर जब पानी अपने क्वथनांक (बोइलिंग पॉइंट) में आता है तब हमारे पास बाहर निकलने की क्षमता नहीं रह जाती, और हमारी हालत उसी मेढक की भाँती हो जाती है जो पानी के तापमान के साथ खुद को एड्जस्ट करता रहता है......
पर इसका उपाय है
हमारे द्वारा लिया गया एक दृढ़ निर्णय की ऐसी परिस्थिति और लोगो से कब और कैसे दूर जाना है.....
• जो आपकी मानसिक शांति भंग करे, उसको अपनी
जिंदगी से तुरंत बाहर करें I
• दूसरों को लिए खुद को न बदलें I
• किसी और की पसंद के लिए अपनी पसंद की
तिलांजलि मत दें I
• सामंजस्य बनाने की आदत लग ही गयी है तो अपने
परिवार के साथ बनाये।
पर जैसे ही पानी अपने क्वथनांक (बोइलिंग पॉइंट) में आयेगा, मेढक अपने शरीर को उसके अनुसार समायोजित नहीं कर सकेगा और वो पानी से बाहर आने की कोशिश करेगा, पर अब ये संभव नहीं है ----
क्यूँ ?
क्यूंकि मेढक ने अपनी छलाँग लगाने की क्षमता के बावजूद उसने सारी ऊर्जा वातावरण के साथ समायोजन स्थापित करने में खर्च कर दी I वो पानी से बाहर नहीं आ पायेगा और मारा जायेगा I
पर मेढक को मारता कौन है ?
उबला हुआ पानी ?????????
नहीं !!
मेढक को मार देती है उसकी असमर्थता या कह लीजिये निर्णय लेने की अक्षमता कि पानी से बाहर आने के लिये कब छलांग लगानी है I इसी तरह हम भी अपने आसपास के वातावरण और लोगो के साथ सामंजस्य बना के चलते रहते हैं और कभी कभी ये सामंजस्य हम पर ही भारी पड जाता है, जब लोग ये समझना शुरू कर देते हैं के हम कुछ भी करे ये तो एडजेस्ट कर ही लेगा और हमारी भी आदत हो ही जाती है I धीरे धीरे हम प्रतिरोध करना भी बंद कर देते हैं, या फिर यूँ कहे की हमारी प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता खतम हो जाती है I
सब के जीवन में कोई न कोई ऐसा होता है, जिसके लिए हम लगातार खुद के साथ सामंजस्य बनाते रहते हैं । स्वभावतः ये हमें अच्छा नहीं लगता पर कोई न कोई मजबूरी हमें ऐसा करते रहने के लिए प्रेरित करती रहती है और हम अपनी सारी उर्जा इसी में खर्च करते रहते हैं पर जब पानी अपने क्वथनांक (बोइलिंग पॉइंट) में आता है तब हमारे पास बाहर निकलने की क्षमता नहीं रह जाती, और हमारी हालत उसी मेढक की भाँती हो जाती है जो पानी के तापमान के साथ खुद को एड्जस्ट करता रहता है......
पर इसका उपाय है
हमारे द्वारा लिया गया एक दृढ़ निर्णय की ऐसी परिस्थिति और लोगो से कब और कैसे दूर जाना है.....
• जो आपकी मानसिक शांति भंग करे, उसको अपनी
जिंदगी से तुरंत बाहर करें I
• दूसरों को लिए खुद को न बदलें I
• किसी और की पसंद के लिए अपनी पसंद की
तिलांजलि मत दें I
• सामंजस्य बनाने की आदत लग ही गयी है तो अपने
परिवार के साथ बनाये।
Friday, 6 June 2014
10 Ways to Melt a Girl's Heart===>
1. Call Her When you're feeling Sad.
2. In the Middle of a Conversation, Tell Her Dat How Much You Love Her.
3. Ask to See A Picture of Her, When She was a Child..!
4. Sometyms Call Her, By Her First and Middle Names..
5. Call Her, Just Before wen you are going any special place..
6. Always Notice, When She's Wearing Something New..
7. Put your Arms Around Her, When you Introduce Her to your friends and family..
8. Try Desperately, To Make Her Laugh When She's feeling Down.
9. Hug Her When She gets Jealous and make it a tight one..! :x
10. When She's feeling Insecure, Stare Into Her Eyes and Tell Her,"There is No- One in the World,. Who could be as Lovely, as She Is....
If U Agree Hit Like
7 most beautiful promises that Everyone wants from a lover
1. I am daily going to wish you
good morning.
. 2. I will take care of our families..
3 I will always hug you, at least 10
times in a day.
4. I will understand you and always talk you.
5. If we fight, or a had some
arguments, we will talk only by
hugging each other.
. 6. I will never escape a single day
without kissing you.
7. I will always love you without
any reason...
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Never Miss a Boy with the following Qualities .
¤ When a Boy says Sorry even though He didn't do anything
¤ When a Boy cries because he still Loves you or misses you
¤ When a Boy still tries to get you Back
¤ When a Boy no matter how much you hurt him still Loves you..
¤ When a Boy stops his Argument with his Girl to
save his Relationship
¤ When a Boy continuously makes U feel special & Tries to make U Happy
¤ When a Boy is Upset but doesn't tell you as He thinks He is annoying you
¤ When a Boy wants to Leave you, because of your Rude behaviour, but He is Not able to do.Don't Let him Go
You May Never find Someone like that Ever again
Share This.
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
...4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
Are you remembering this?
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say “I love her more than you”, deny it. Fight back and hug her tight so she can’t get to her friends. It makes her feel loved.
Are you thinking of someone?
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she’s beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
One last thing you need to do to show her you actually do mean it.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car - it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she’s your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her - if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - so just hug her.
24. Make her feel loved.
25. Kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!
26. Don’t lie to her.
27. DON’T cheat on her.
28. Take her ANYWHERE she wants.
29. Text message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her.
30. Be there for her whenever she needs you, and even when she doesn’t need you, just be there so she’ll know that she can always count on you.
31. Hold her close when she’s cold so she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.
35. Don’t ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you’re mad. If she’s upset, comfort her.
36. When people diss her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
41. Call or text her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always remind her how much you love her.
45. Sit on top of her and tell her how much you love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while you’re sitting on her.
You’ll never know when she needs just a little more love .. !
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Friday, 9 May 2014
World War 1 Group Discussion
The first and the great conflict happened in the world is the world war I. It was happened and flourished between the central powers of Germany, Austria- Hungary and the Ottoman Empire against the allied forces of Great Britain, the United States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan.
During the world war I, all the modern technology has been issued. It resulted in greater unexpected destruction. Research says that, 9 million soldiers has been killed at the end of the war.
On 28th July, the Austro-Hungarians first fired the shots of the first world war. Germany invaded Belgium and then move towards France. Germany was leading about And on the other side, the Russian army was against the Austro-Hungarians, with successful soldiers.
We can say that as “War of Attrition”. From 1914 to 1917, soldiers on each side , fired on each other like trenches. They used artillery for fires and lobbed grenades. Whenever the military leaders ordered to attack, the soldiers “safety” went. As the war was having the trench war style, lot of young men were died in the world war I. Many people were killing daily, that is why it has been said as war of attrition.
During 1917, Russia became up in the revolution. The new communist government, made Russia to move away from the world war I. Russia signed the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty with Germany on March 3, 1918. And as a result of this, Germany was able to divert these troops to the west in order to face the new American soldiers.
The fight continued in the next year too. Millions of soldiers were died during the war, but the result was little land only they gained. There was a huge difference between the European troops and the American troops. The freshness was remained for long years in the American troops, they were very enthusiastic till the last day of the war. Whereas the European troops, got tired and tired enough over the course of time of the war, as it happened for years. They lost the energy to fight more.
And, during the due course, the Versallice treaty, were argued and formed the peace treaty . And because of the arguments and they made many compromises and such that the war got ended. The terms of the peace treaty was anyway controversial only. Both the sides of the troops get compromised and signed and ended it finally.
The result of the war , it was counted that 10 millions soldiers were killed. If calculated by average, 6,500 deaths every day was happened and added that millions of civilians were killed. What the civilians do ? for the egoism between the countries , for some good result of someone, for the benefit of someone, many people have lost their lives.
We can say, World war I was the rude war and the blood war ..
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Career After B.Tech
What do you think
What your are going to do after BTech?
10 Best Career Options after BTech..
1. Campus Placement
2. Go for an M.Tech degree
3. Do an MBA
4. Prepare for Civil Services
5. Short Term Courses
6. Entrepreneurship-Start your venture
7. Go Abroad
8. Join the army
9. Be a Change Maker
10. Explore the artist in you
The very first option is
Campus Placement...
Already bored of studying? Then getting selected in a decent company visiting your campus seems a good option. If you don’t have any intentions of studying further, or at least immediately after B. Tech, you can opt for a job. This is considered to be a safer option where you get time to decide which field you want to stick to-Technical or you want to shift your core interest area from technical to management or some other stream.
Go for an M.Tech degree
If you studied engineering out of passion and not because you were forced by your parents or just for sake of doing it, then MTech is a good option. You can opt for the field of study you aspire to expertise in. For this, you need to prepare well for the entrance exams to get into a good college. GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is a national exam conducted in India which can fetch you admission in IITs, IISC or NITs and many others.
Do an MBA
Don’t feel you are the technical guy your parents wanted you to be? Always felt like you are a manager and want to see yourself in a business suit in some MNC? Probably you have a fascination for MBA too. Don’t get diverted by the thoughts that everyone is doing an MBA right now and its value has decreased. If you want to make a career in the management sector, hold managerial positions, then MBA is the right choice. You may specialize in your area of interest which may be the all time popular fields like HR, Marketing, Sales or the new growing domains like Digital Marketing, International Relations etc. In India, there are various entrance examinations that will help you get into the top 30 MBA colleges. CAT (Common Admission Test) serves as a gateway for an MBA at the IIMs and many other leading institutes. Some other popular exams are XAT (Xaviers), NMAT, SNAP, CMAT, TISS, IRMA etc.
Prepare for Civil Services
Always saw yourself as an IAS or IPS officer? Admit it,some day or the other you must have thought about preparing for the Civil Services but left the thought because you felt that it's very tough to crack!
Yes. Indeed it is one of the toughest exams in the world to crack and there lies a huge competition to be a civil servant, but you cannot hold yourself back because of this. Civil Services is not just about cracking an exam and then clearing an interview, it judges you on everything you can think of, who you are and what you stand for!
You need to put your complete focus in addition to lots of determination to prepare for Civil Services Examination. For that you need to - Believe in yourself.
Best one Short Term Courses...
There are various short term courses and diploma courses you can opt for after your B.Tech. It can be a certificate course in embedded technology, VLSI, robotics, ethical hacking, protocol testing, machine designing etc.or a diploma course in any specific domain.
Such courses are generally job oriented and serve as a bridge between what you know and what the industry expects you to know in order to absorb you into their organization....
Entrepreneurship-Start your venture
Do you have dreams of being a job provider? Always wanted to be your own boss? Then starting something of your own is a great option. But before you think about it you need to be sure about your options. Startup is trending more as a fashion then a career option. Being your own boss does not mean you can ignore work and life would be easy. Starting your venture and making it succeed would be the toughest of all the things you can do. It will have ups and downs every new day. Maybe you would not get any client for the whole year. Be ready for the challenges and immense learning if you are determined to be an entrepreneur. This is the road less traveled....
Go Abroad
It is also a very good option to explore. If you choose to study abroad, you will get a lot of exposure and learning along with the education part. You might also be able to get a job at international locations if you have plans to settle abroad permanently in the future.
You can also explore integrated opportunities abroad. Along with options of MS you may explore options of MS+PhD and other research oriented courses. In addition, you could look at the various fellowships in research and development category available that may fascinate you too. You can also apply for the various scholarships which will fund your education partially or completely.
Join the ARMY
Give a chance to the patriot in you. Joining the Army/Navy/Air Force or any other wing of the defense services can be exciting and high paying at the same time. You can join as technical staff by applying through the University Entry Scheme (UES), which require you to apply on their respective websites or appear for the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test). You can also apply for flying positions in Indian Air Force by clearing AFCAT.
The times are gone when you tagged defense services with only patriotism. Now you can be utterly professional when opting for defense as a career. These positions will give you an opportunity to live your life for the nation, a life with good facilities and a decent sum to take home as well.
What your are going to do after BTech?
10 Best Career Options after BTech..
1. Campus Placement
2. Go for an M.Tech degree
3. Do an MBA
4. Prepare for Civil Services
5. Short Term Courses
6. Entrepreneurship-Start your venture
7. Go Abroad
8. Join the army
9. Be a Change Maker
10. Explore the artist in you
The very first option is
Campus Placement...
Already bored of studying? Then getting selected in a decent company visiting your campus seems a good option. If you don’t have any intentions of studying further, or at least immediately after B. Tech, you can opt for a job. This is considered to be a safer option where you get time to decide which field you want to stick to-Technical or you want to shift your core interest area from technical to management or some other stream.
Go for an M.Tech degree
If you studied engineering out of passion and not because you were forced by your parents or just for sake of doing it, then MTech is a good option. You can opt for the field of study you aspire to expertise in. For this, you need to prepare well for the entrance exams to get into a good college. GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is a national exam conducted in India which can fetch you admission in IITs, IISC or NITs and many others.
Do an MBA
Don’t feel you are the technical guy your parents wanted you to be? Always felt like you are a manager and want to see yourself in a business suit in some MNC? Probably you have a fascination for MBA too. Don’t get diverted by the thoughts that everyone is doing an MBA right now and its value has decreased. If you want to make a career in the management sector, hold managerial positions, then MBA is the right choice. You may specialize in your area of interest which may be the all time popular fields like HR, Marketing, Sales or the new growing domains like Digital Marketing, International Relations etc. In India, there are various entrance examinations that will help you get into the top 30 MBA colleges. CAT (Common Admission Test) serves as a gateway for an MBA at the IIMs and many other leading institutes. Some other popular exams are XAT (Xaviers), NMAT, SNAP, CMAT, TISS, IRMA etc.
Prepare for Civil Services
Always saw yourself as an IAS or IPS officer? Admit it,some day or the other you must have thought about preparing for the Civil Services but left the thought because you felt that it's very tough to crack!
Yes. Indeed it is one of the toughest exams in the world to crack and there lies a huge competition to be a civil servant, but you cannot hold yourself back because of this. Civil Services is not just about cracking an exam and then clearing an interview, it judges you on everything you can think of, who you are and what you stand for!
You need to put your complete focus in addition to lots of determination to prepare for Civil Services Examination. For that you need to - Believe in yourself.
Best one Short Term Courses...
There are various short term courses and diploma courses you can opt for after your B.Tech. It can be a certificate course in embedded technology, VLSI, robotics, ethical hacking, protocol testing, machine designing etc.or a diploma course in any specific domain.
Such courses are generally job oriented and serve as a bridge between what you know and what the industry expects you to know in order to absorb you into their organization....
Entrepreneurship-Start your venture
Do you have dreams of being a job provider? Always wanted to be your own boss? Then starting something of your own is a great option. But before you think about it you need to be sure about your options. Startup is trending more as a fashion then a career option. Being your own boss does not mean you can ignore work and life would be easy. Starting your venture and making it succeed would be the toughest of all the things you can do. It will have ups and downs every new day. Maybe you would not get any client for the whole year. Be ready for the challenges and immense learning if you are determined to be an entrepreneur. This is the road less traveled....
Go Abroad
It is also a very good option to explore. If you choose to study abroad, you will get a lot of exposure and learning along with the education part. You might also be able to get a job at international locations if you have plans to settle abroad permanently in the future.
You can also explore integrated opportunities abroad. Along with options of MS you may explore options of MS+PhD and other research oriented courses. In addition, you could look at the various fellowships in research and development category available that may fascinate you too. You can also apply for the various scholarships which will fund your education partially or completely.
Join the ARMY
Give a chance to the patriot in you. Joining the Army/Navy/Air Force or any other wing of the defense services can be exciting and high paying at the same time. You can join as technical staff by applying through the University Entry Scheme (UES), which require you to apply on their respective websites or appear for the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test). You can also apply for flying positions in Indian Air Force by clearing AFCAT.
The times are gone when you tagged defense services with only patriotism. Now you can be utterly professional when opting for defense as a career. These positions will give you an opportunity to live your life for the nation, a life with good facilities and a decent sum to take home as well.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
SSB Interview Rapid Fire Questions

Interviewing officer ask you series of questions at once and you are required to answer it one by one. It is not difficult if you listen to IO carefully, be calm and start answering one by one in a normal fashion. To help you, below are the few basic questions asked during personal interview.
- Name of the place you come from ?
- Institution where you had your education ?
- Your 10th class marks ?
- Favourite subjects in 10th class?
- Favorite teachers in 10th class, why?
- Teachers you didn't like in 10th, why?
- Your 12th class marks?
- Favourite subjects in 12th class?
- Favorite teachers in 12th class, why?
- Teachers you didn't like in 12th, why?
- Any competitive exam after 12th, what was the result?
- Your graduation %age?
- Why did you choose Btech/BSc/etc?
- Participated in any extra curricular activities?
- Any special achievement?
- Who all are there in your family?
- What all they do ?
- How do you pass time?
- How do you spend your pocket money or income?
- Tell me something about your friend?
- Who is your best friend?
Also Read:
10 things IO don't like about you.
Six must follow tips for personal interview in SSB.
Counter questions based on your answers:
- Why your % is less in 10th/12th ?
- Why your marks are less in your favorite subject?
- Why did you stop playing xyz in college?
- How did you prepare for xyz competitive exam?
- Why did you fail in xyz competitive exam?
- Why didn't you try for NDA after 12th if you were keen to join Defence?
- Why you failed in NDA?
- Why your %age is less in graduation?
- Why your job is different from what you have studied, why didn't you join in your core field?
- Why you are not doing any job after your graduation?
- What competitive exam you are preparing for?
- What else if not Defence officer?
- What is your future plan?
- What xyz is your best friend?
- What qualities you look in a friend?
- What bad habits your friends have?
- Do you drink, smoke, go to prostitutes?
- What your friends think about you?
- What is the xyz rule in xyz game?
- How would you organize a game of xyz in your college?
- What is the latest international news?
- Do you know about "xyz" which was in the news recently?
- Why your GK is so weak ?
- As you are an electrical engineering, define current ?
- What do you know about Indian Army?
- I guess you are not fit for defence officer, what do you think?
- What are the dimensions of the xyz game court?
- What is the best and worst part in your current job?
- Why you failed in previous SSB attempts?
- Tell me something about your hobby of xyz ?
- Why do you want to join defence?
- What next if you do not get recommend this time?
- Do you want to ask something?
More SSB Interview Questions
There are so many other questions asked by IO which also depends on how and what you answer, in fact, you only drive the whole interview questions asked by IO so always be careful what you speak there.
Have your ever faced any odd questions from IO? do share it in the comment box below.
How to face Interviewing Officer in SSB Personal Interview
Personal Interview is a key factor which decides your recommendation in the SSB Interview, SSB Interview questions and answers plays vital role in the assessment of the candidate. How to face the IO[ Interviewing officer] in the SSB PI[ SSB Personal Interview] is the major concern here, one wrong move can tarnish your image and reduce your chances to get recommend.
One must not take the PI as a formality , SSB Interview questions and answers sounds very informal when compare to any other interview but they are designed to access your overall quality as a person and helps to judge your suitability to become an Officer in Indian Defence Forces . We will discuss about the points you should keep in your mind to get the best impression in SSB Interview .
Lets follow this saying in SSB Interview also, yes the first impression plays a vital role in the personal interview , it may do good or bad for you. To get the first impression as a good impression try to follow below mentioned points:
One must not take the PI as a formality , SSB Interview questions and answers sounds very informal when compare to any other interview but they are designed to access your overall quality as a person and helps to judge your suitability to become an Officer in Indian Defence Forces . We will discuss about the points you should keep in your mind to get the best impression in SSB Interview .
First Impression is the last Impression :
Lets follow this saying in SSB Interview also, yes the first impression plays a vital role in the personal interview , it may do good or bad for you. To get the first impression as a good impression try to follow below mentioned points:
- Dress neatly , wear formals for Personal Interview , avoided wearing something which makes you uncomfortable , if you find yourself smart in front of the mirror other will also finds the same so have a comfortable outfit .
- Look out for the best color combination, wear light color cloths , do not wear a tie if you are not habitual to it , wearing a tie won’t put any additional impression but if you love to wear it then must have it.
- Enter into the room showing all teeth , I mean to say go with decent smile and wish the Interviewing officer , do not ask for permission to go inside, already you have been called inside .
- IO will ask you to sit , if he won’t then after waiting for 5secs you can sit by your own, it will show your confidence to take the action and self decisions .
Body Language :
Once again a very important point to keep in mind is to have a decent body language during the whole interviewing process. Most of us forget about our body movements and postures while talking with someone; specially here the IO will have a total look on your body because he will be sitting 3-4 meters away from you , so avoid doing unnecessary yoga postures during PI.
- Sit straight and lean backward , utilize the chair to relax not to become panic . Avoid leaning forward while answering to questions or putting some stress on a particular answer, it also shows you’re not confident but nervous . You might have seen during the PPDT most of the candidates start leaning forward and sits on the edge of the chair , it shows your confidence level is less.
- You can use your hand while answering but make sure that hands should not start flying here and there , use them gently like a gentleman.
- Look at the IO while answering , he was also a candidate like you , why to become nervous in front of him , think as if your are talking to a friend who is interested to know about you to make friendship . Please avoid watching here and there , talk to the person sitting in front of you, take it as a challenge and say yes I am ready to face you .
Communication :
We know the importance of communication skills , here communication means the way you pass your answers to the IO, if you are very good in speaking English but whatever you said goes above the head of the IO then it is of no use on the other hand if you are not so fluent but the way you speak is convincing and shows that you are confident while answering then you hit the target . Candidate from cities are supposed to speak well in English , candidates from rural area are also supposed to speak in English but IO may over look their mistakes .
- Listen to the question first, think the answer for 2-3 secs and then say it, yes you can wait for sometime to think before answering, no one asked you to speak as soon as IO stops. Think for 2-3 secs how and what you are going to say, it will help you to deliver the answer in a proper way with less mistakes.
- Being a repeater you must know the common questions which are asked by the IO every time, do prepare them well before the PI. You can check SSB Interview questions and answers here.
- Speak softly and calmly , keep your voice audible to the IO, do not raise the voice suddenly , try to speak normally with expression. Have you seen how officers use to talk , yes , you got it now, follow that.
Listen First :
Yes dear aspirants , being a young blood we have decide not to listen anyone and do our own , NOT HERE , listen to the IO carefully , do not assume a question like the way you want it to be or faced earlier. You may be answering the East when asked for West, just think how badly it will create your impression in PI.
- Listen to the question properly , wait for the IO to stop and then think and speak.
- Do not start thinking of a answer when the IO is asking questions , it won’t let you to listen to the question properly and you will end up with saying different answer. Let the IO complete his words so that you won’t interfere in between .
- Ask IO to repeat the question if you missed it, and then answer it properly.
Be Open ; But in a Limit:
IO wants to know about your personality and your personal life, for that you may come across few questions which you would like to hide just because you think that it will create a negative impact on your PI. This thing is correct up to some limit but you should be careful in choosing what to hide or what not to hide. IO is a well experienced person sitting over there so be carefully while holding a mask or trying to hide, you must be a genius in this. [Try it at your own risk Smile ]
- Try to speak what is asked by IO, do not put additional information, be to the point or else the IO will sleep off.
- Again I say think before answering , it will help you to decide what to say or what not to say.
Take the opportunity to ask Him :
Many IO provide you an opportunity to ask something , it could be anything. Take the chance and ask him something but make sure that you should not ask something very personal or irrelevant to SBB or Defence. Keep in mind that whatever you ask him also shows your own character and quality ,IO may pick something from that too, so be sensible while asking something.
How to Improve Your Personality for SSB Interview

It is something which distinguishes him from his fellow beings. Personality is neither biological nor natural. It can be developed and improved . Environment plays a considerable role in shaping our personality and attitude. Attitude is acquired in the early stages of life. As the time passes, they get strengthened and are absorbed in the personality of man. For proper development of personality, it is essential to have a proper attitude. Attitude which make up the major part of a man’s personality leads to success or defeat in his life. It is seen that development of personality largely depends on the development of attitude. If attitude is hazy, the personality will not be clear. If the attitude is healthy and constructive, then the personality is also healthy.

A question generally arises as to whether we can change our attitude which hampers our progress. This can be done, if we are able to counter the influences which developed our attitude, we can overcome and correct our attitudes. To develop your personality, friends, try to develop a moral character and of course a healthy body and mind. Try to have a good knowledge on the present trends in social, technological and political fields. Extensive reading of books, journals and a wide spectrum of newspapers helps to increase our knowledge which will help us to achieve confidence to face the SSB. A candidate’s character traits are assessed throughout SSB Tests and it is essential to have a good sparkling character for an officer to effectively command and coordinate his subordinates. A man without a good character is like a flower without perfume.
Friends, Here I have enlisted certain hints to improve your personality for SSB
- Concentrate on one thing at a time.
- Do not blame others when things go wrong.
- Show an interest in what other people say.
- Cultivate a sense of wit and humour.
- Be optimistic and cheerful.
- Have a good moral character.
- Try to avoid making others fell inferior.
- Have a good and friendly smile.
- Talk about things that interest others.
- Remain cool in adverse conditions.
- Be always vigilant.
- Have a good ,well-built body.
- Cultivate a habit of congratulating others in their success.
- Always look fresh and cheerful.
- Cultivate self-control and humility.
- Have sympathy for others.
- Have will power and determination.
- Think twice before doing or saying anything.
- Have a wide store of knowledge.
- Have some commonsense and practical intelligence.
- Actively participate in the activities of the organization or school you belong to.
- Cultivate a habit of accepting your mistakes and shortcomings and try to rectify and correct them
- Be impartial-Should not have extreme views on any subject.
- Be good in your dress and tress.
- Have good professional knowledge and always try to be active.
- Should not be lethargic.
- Always try to be friendly with others.
- Cultivate a habit of initiating conversations with others.
- Be Bold and courageous to face every difficulties.
- Think positively.
- Walk erect, swinging your arms, and breathe deep.
- Try to improve your voice and make it pleasant.
Friends, try to practice these tips in life. This would bring a great change in your personality and sociability. If you are able to implement all these tips, then friends, you will be mentally fit for Defense forces.
General Tips for Facing Interview in SSB
There are several factors which help the candidates to tackle the SSB Interview and leave a good impression on the Interviewing Officer. Personal interview in SSB is very crucial, one must not go unprepared for SSB. There are certain things you must keep in mind, they are
- Preparation for the Interview: The candidate has to prepare himself to be able to answer basic questions regarding the service which he wishes to join. Before facing the Board, the candidate must try to acquire sufficient knowledge on the burning topics of the world and of the service which he wishes to join. Being not able to answer basic questions regarding army and telling the board that you wished to join army from your childhood will only put you in a awkward situation.
- Increase your general awareness: The candidate must be able to answer questions on all the current events in the world. But one thing is to be noted that if you didn't know about an event, be truthful and tell the interviewing officer that you don’t know it. Your wide store of knowledge will of course increase your confidence.
- Relaxation: Tension causes nervousness which is really fatal in SSB Interviews. You should not worry about SSB Interviews. Early preparation will reduce your tension and if you feel nervousness, take 15 long breaths, It will surely restore your confidence.
- Facial expression: It is said that face is the index of mind. So be natural in your facial expression.
- Dress: The dress should be according to the place and climate. The dress should not be shabby and as far as possible, wear light colored shirts. The mustaches should be properly trimmed and cut your nails.
- Manner of sitting in the Interview room: Always put your hands on your thighs and must not move it. Avoid use of unusual; gestures and speak truthfully to the Interviewing officer with a smiling face. The candidate should maintain eye contact with the Interviewing officer, should not look up, down, left or right.
- Manner of talking : Talk politely to the Interviewing officer and if you ever want to disagree with the Interviewing officer, do it politely and be natural in your talks with the interviewing officer. Your voice should be pleasant and audible. Do not murmur or stammer. Maintain a normal speed while talking. On controversial topics, it is always better to talk both for and against it and try to provide a solution for it. It shows that you have a constructive approach. Sometimes the interviewing officer may put anger provoking questions. Do never lose your temper. Be cool in answering.
- Leaving the Interview room: After the interview is over, you will be told to leave the room and never forget to thank the interviewing officer. Leave the room confidently as you came in the Interview room. Leave the room with a gentle smile and with your head held high. It shows that you are confident.
- Preparation for SSB Interview: The candidate must be able to answer questions related to their educational back ground right from their 8th standard, Regarding your hobbies. Interests ,activities in which you participated , basic information regarding the service you wish to join ,why you want to join that particular service ,why were you screened out last time, some SRT’S LIKE THAT
If you have any other tip to share, do write it in the comment box below.
21 Signs that You are a Fauji at Heart
Hey folks! This article will list out some of the most common things that we, the fauji’s at heart have. Now you may either be a defence aspirant, or you may be already being a recommended guy waiting for the joining instruction. Some of you may be under training officers and some already an officer. While some may have crossed that age limit to join defence yet and obviously they love Fauj from their heart. So read on!
1.You get absolutely crazy when you see the uniform. Just the sight of the uniform makes you super excited and your wish to ‘earn it’ increases.
2. Independence Day and the birthdays of martyr’s or apparently any such day related to patriotism are celebrated by you with a lot of joy and enthusiasm.
3.You are keener to celebrate the ‘patriotic’ festivals than any other regular festival like Diwali, Eid, and Christmas. And of course you celebrate these festivals with super happiness and pride.
4. Patriotic songs like “Mere vatan ke logon” make you super sentimental, almost into tears.
5. You listen to patriotic songs almost every day, and not only on 26th Jan or 15th August.
6. No matter which band or firangi song you like, your favorite will always be our national anthem, ‘Bharat mata teri kasam’ and ‘kadam kadam badhaye ja’.
7.You social networking is filled with lots of patriotic shares, likes and status.
8. 95% of you have one time or the other used a Fauji photo as your cover, profile picture on Facebook.
9. You Facebook likes comprise more of fauj related likes than Bollywood.

10 . Picture of a Bollywood/Hollywood hero shown along with a Fauji’s picture which have caption “he is a real hero” are always ‘liked’ by you.
11 . You love to read military quotes and remember a lot of them, often you put them as you status or use them in normal conversation.
12 . You know a lot of stuff about the aircrafts, ships, artillery and infantry equipment. Not only this, you constantly read about the latest acquisitions and technological advancements of the tri-services.
13 . One or the other time the thought of joining defence has crossed your mind.
14. Your movie collection has Lakshya, Border and LOC as a must in a very good print. You like to watch them once in a while.
15.You are not afraid of any of the extremes of temperature, be it hot or cold.
16. There is an adventure spirit inside you, making you love to travel in India anywhere. You want to practice all kinds of adventure sport.
17. You love to meet new people and you can easily adjust in any atmosphere.
18. You would rather be loved to call an Indian than being called a Gujrati, Punjabi, Bengali, Up-wala, Bihari etc.
19.Those aviators and that bullet make you crazier!
20 It might not be totally astonishing if your bed time stories consist of reading stuff about Fauj mostly on Wikipedia or on other websites.
21. You have liked knowledge sakar and you were reading this article, trying to compare each and every point with yourself!
1.You get absolutely crazy when you see the uniform. Just the sight of the uniform makes you super excited and your wish to ‘earn it’ increases.
2. Independence Day and the birthdays of martyr’s or apparently any such day related to patriotism are celebrated by you with a lot of joy and enthusiasm.
3.You are keener to celebrate the ‘patriotic’ festivals than any other regular festival like Diwali, Eid, and Christmas. And of course you celebrate these festivals with super happiness and pride.
4. Patriotic songs like “Mere vatan ke logon” make you super sentimental, almost into tears.
5. You listen to patriotic songs almost every day, and not only on 26th Jan or 15th August.
6. No matter which band or firangi song you like, your favorite will always be our national anthem, ‘Bharat mata teri kasam’ and ‘kadam kadam badhaye ja’.
7.You social networking is filled with lots of patriotic shares, likes and status.
8. 95% of you have one time or the other used a Fauji photo as your cover, profile picture on Facebook.
9. You Facebook likes comprise more of fauj related likes than Bollywood.

10 . Picture of a Bollywood/Hollywood hero shown along with a Fauji’s picture which have caption “he is a real hero” are always ‘liked’ by you.
11 . You love to read military quotes and remember a lot of them, often you put them as you status or use them in normal conversation.
12 . You know a lot of stuff about the aircrafts, ships, artillery and infantry equipment. Not only this, you constantly read about the latest acquisitions and technological advancements of the tri-services.
13 . One or the other time the thought of joining defence has crossed your mind.
14. Your movie collection has Lakshya, Border and LOC as a must in a very good print. You like to watch them once in a while.
15.You are not afraid of any of the extremes of temperature, be it hot or cold.
16. There is an adventure spirit inside you, making you love to travel in India anywhere. You want to practice all kinds of adventure sport.
17. You love to meet new people and you can easily adjust in any atmosphere.
18. You would rather be loved to call an Indian than being called a Gujrati, Punjabi, Bengali, Up-wala, Bihari etc.
19.Those aviators and that bullet make you crazier!
20 It might not be totally astonishing if your bed time stories consist of reading stuff about Fauj mostly on Wikipedia or on other websites.
21. You have liked knowledge sakar and you were reading this article, trying to compare each and every point with yourself!
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